Installing Our Fan and Mapping Out The Floorplan

Published by on February 15, 2016 at 9:00 am

After the subfloors were in, Annie and I set out to mask out our floorplan to get an idea of space and see if what we had planned would work for us.  It actually turned out pretty well, well enough that we’re comfortable with our original design plans and are going to go forward with them, while we also did some slip tests in the floors, with help from resources like

With our layout comes the need for an exhaust fan, not only to help with airflow during the summer, but also to help exhaust the bus when we are cooking within it.  We decided to go with a fantastic fan, as they are quite possibly the best reviewed fans in the RV realm.

The fan arrived quickly and was actually super easy to install.  We just marked a center in between the ribs where we wanted to install it, marked the 14″x14″ square to cut and went to town cutting a hole in the ceiling.  Afterwards, it was as simple as dropping the fan into place with a nice bit of Dicor tape around the outside and thereafter screwing it into place.  We placed plywood spacers underneath to help give it something to grab onto and also to help the metal where we installed it become a little bit more flat. It couldn’t have been a simpler install and only took maybe an hour at most.

We still have to wire it into the bus, but we’re going to wire it up to our house batteries which we haven’t received yet, so are awaiting the install of our electrical system to get it fully installed.  We did tie it into a nearby 12v source and gave it a test run, it is amazing at pulling air through the bus.


Zack has been pursuing adventure since he can remember. Picking up his first camera strengthened a love for the outdoors even more. That desire for adventure has taken him and Annie throughout the western United States on whirlwind tours. However, it was time to pursue that lifestyle even further and that is where the idea for living and adventuring in a School Bus was born!

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